Online services to help you run your business
“In the future, there will be two types of companies on the market: those who are on the Internet and those who have gone out of business.”
Bill Gates
Now is the future that Bill Gates was talking about, so doing business on the Internet is more relevant than ever. All entrepreneurs have an online platform for their business, as it is modern, profitable, and convenient. In this article, we would like to talk about what services are available for business management, what aspects of the business can be automated, and how to help an entrepreneur effectively use online services in his business.
The most popular area of business is retail, from this point of view, we will select services that will help owners with management. But services are multifaceted and can be useful in other ways as well.

- The most common software is a set of cloud tools, Google Docs.
Thanks to Google Docs, you can work online and share your work with colleagues simply by sending a link through messenger.
A cloud service is a reliable way to exchange and store a wide variety of data. The main advantage is that documents are stored remotely without taking up physical space on your computer. Due to this, you can work with one document in different locations and from different devices, while all changes will be saved and the document will be updated in real-time.
One of the benefits of cloud-based documents is the ability to grant different access rights to each user, so you can send the document to your partner for review and be confident that they won't be able to make any changes.
- Customer service using cloud-based CRM systems.
You need to control the flow of customers and pay attention to everyone, not missing a second, because competitors are not asleep. Cloud-based CRM systems make it possible to save detailed information about the client and his calls, which will allow any manager to quickly navigate when the client calls again. Services like these help executives control the sales funnel that employees must adhere to. All data can be downloaded to reports and the results can be analyzed. CRM systems are very flexible and can be used from both mobile and computer. There are quite a few CRM systems on the market that provide a trial period, depending on your requirements, you can choose the best option for yourself. For example: RetailCRM, SalesapCRM, Bitrix24, SendPulse.
P. S. If a CRM system is a too global program for your business, you can consider options that provide one service that you need. For example, there is an application designed to combine all communication channels with a client in one window, which will allow the manager to control all messengers and respond to the client faster.
- Monitoring customer satisfaction with online surveys.
It's important to know what your customers think about your product or service. The easiest and most convenient way to find out is to invite the client to take an online survey. You can enter your questions or select questions that already exist in the program, and then analyze the statistics of answers. There are free services or partially free ones. There are services with a minimum tariff, but with more advanced capabilities. For example, SurveyGizmo, SurveyMonkey.
- Service for graphic design.
Digital marketing is impossible without quality illustrations. Images are needed for advertising, for posts on social networks, if you do not have a designer on the staff, you can use online graphic design services. Such services will allow you to edit and create graphic images, you can also upload a stock photo or a finished illustration. At the same time, the quality of the selected photos or the created illustration will be on par with the images created by professional designers. For example, Canva, Crello.
- Social media management.
Any business should be available to its target audience, and all people are now connected by social networks. But since each audience chooses different platforms, the business has to maintain multiple accounts at the same time. It is important to select the content that will be interesting to the audience on a specific social network and it is advisable to create it in advance to have a stock of posts for unforeseen situations. Just for such cases, use the social media planner. For example, Hootsuite, SMMplanner.
We have described only a few of the applications that can benefit your business and save your time. On the world wide web, every day new and new programs are created that help a person to do routine work. Don't miss your chance to automate your daily tasks.