Types of Customers in Retail
Whether you are planning to start a new business or expand an existing one, you are likely to encounter different types of customers interested in your products. Your task is to make sure that buyers are satisfied after interacting with you. This means that you must be able to quickly recognize the type of client in order to find an approach to absolutely everyone.
In this article, we have compiled a list of the most common types of retail customers you may encounter in your business. Understanding their buying behavior will help you achieve better trading results.
1. Regular customers.
This is the most important segment that should be the focus of any company. This type of customer usually makes up no more than 20% of a company's customer base, but generates the majority of sales revenue. As a rule, such customers are very loyal and highly appreciate your product.
In addition, this type of customer is more likely to recommend the company's products to other people. Therefore, it is important to find out their opinion, read reviews, sometimes it is even worth involving them in the process of developing a new product. If the company wants to grow, it is necessary to pay great attention to such customers.
2. Impulsive clients.
This type of customer prefers to shop without prior planning. Their desire to buy something is usually driven by emotions and feelings.
Impulsive customers have a good chance of becoming loyal customers if you impress them during their first purchase in your store. Keeping these customers informed of new product offerings is essential to increasing your company's profitability.

3. Clients for whom discounts are important.
Discount-oriented customers rarely buy products at full price; they are looking for the best deals. These customers are resistant to additional sales, are usually the least loyal segment, and tend to leave when better deals are available elsewhere.
At the same time, customers play an important role in a company's inventory turnover. Thus, they are a key source of the company's cash flow.
4. Difficult clients.
Dealing with difficult clients is not an easy task. Having a strategy for this type of client can greatly increase the chances of a positive outcome.
It is important to remain calm and demonstrate confidence in any difficult situation. This does not mean that you should ignore your clients and try to distance yourself from them. Rather, it means that you must learn to view the complaint as a professional rather than a personal issue. Listen to what your client is saying. In this way, it gives you clues on how to improve your business.
If you manage to solve the problem of a difficult client, there is a good chance that you will get a loyal client. So there is real value in continuing to work with this type of customer and trying to find solutions to their problems.
5. Curious clients.
This type of customer always has a lot of questions about your product. Either because they are unfamiliar with your product or because they are unsure of the need to buy. Most of their questions are basic and can be repeated.
When you're dealing with curious clients, patience is key. Teach your managers to listen to customer requests and give detailed answers with all the necessary information. You can also create an FAQ section on your website or run a chatbot to help customers quickly and easily find answers to their questions.
This reduces the workload of your support team and gives them the opportunity to prioritize and solve complex customer issues.
Each client is an individual who requires a special approach. There are different types of clients that you can interact with. Each type of client has specific needs that you can meet. Understanding who your customers are and identifying their needs can increase your sales and customer satisfaction.
Don't limit your business by focusing on just one type of customer. Each type of customer is important to your business and can help you achieve great results.