10 questions and answers about monitoring prices on the Internet
Briefly and to the point: in this article we have collected the top most popular questions from users of our service. We will try to answer as clearly as possible. So let's get started.
1. How does the program track prices on the Internet?
Z-PRICE - is a professional service of automatic price monitoring for brand companies and websites.
This means the daily continuous online crawl of websites. Further, all the collected information is analyzed and displayed in a multifunctional service in the form of ready-made tables, diagrams and reports for our customers.
2. How to get started with the program?
You only need 3 steps:
- Add monitoring products to the Z-PRICE system.
- Select specific websites to track or send a request to analyze of the whole market.
- After the operational processing of information observe the changes in the Internet market in a convenient client dashboard.
3. Is it possible to monitor prices on trading floors?
Yes, this is one of the additional services of our service. With Z-PRICE you can track sellers and all information about your products on popular marketplaces in your country.
4. Are there any restrictions on the number of websites and products to monitor?
There are no restrictions! The program can track any number of websites and units of products, but it is worth considering that this affects the cost of the service.
5. How often is the data updated?
All data is updated every 2-3 hours continuously and without days off. This will always allow you to quickly respond to all market changes. Also for brand companies this is an opportunity to accurately determine who was the first to set the trend for violations of the recommended price for a particular commodity unit.

6. Is it possible to find all the websites that sell my products?
Yes, of course! Especially for these purposes the Z-PRICE team developed the Entire Market service which is additionally connected to the basic tariff. It consists in daily automatic search and analysis of websites with your products throughout the country. Thanks to requests that are generated based on the price list of the client, the Z-PRICE program scans all pages of search engines and displays processed data in a convenient analytical function.
7. What are the ways to control dumping of prices for products?
For brand companies the service provides additional services for controlling price dumping:
- ''Automatic emailing'' - in the automatic mode the program sends emails to websites about price mismatches recommended. The text of the notification the current email addresses of the sites and the frequency of sending emails are provided by the client. The number of messages sent - at the request of the client.
- ''System calls to violators'' - employees of the call center to combat dumping regularly ring up those websites that did not respond to emails. The entire call history is saved, and the customer will be able to track the reaction of sellers to the warning at any time.
8. In what form the client can see all the information?
All processed data in the Z-PRICE system is presented in the form:
- Pivot tables, diagrams in a convenient, intuitive dashboard. It is also important that all the functionality includes instructions that will help in the work.
- More than 15 reports of various contents for export in the Excel/Csv/Xml formats. You can pick up all reports by API or set a schedule for automatic sending to specified email addresses with the required frequency.

9. Is it possible to test the Z-PRICE service for free?
Our potential customers can try the demo version of the program on the example of their products within 10 days. Monitoring volume: 10 products and 10 websites. To access the demo version fill out the registration form on the website. When connecting to long term discount system.
10. What are the benefits of working with Z-PRICE?
- website scanning 24/7: the most current and accurate data;
- multifunctional interface, reporting and API;
- flexible settings for client tasks;
- integrated solution for controlling prices on the Internet;
- saving time, effort and finance;
- many years' experience working with large companies since 2011.